karmadillo Press is a small publisher located in Cheshire, Oregon. We publish nonfiction books related to animal health, care of livestock and homesteading. We provide editing, layout, design and publication services.
Our first book is Goat Health Care, by Cheryl K. Smith and illustrated by Myra Klote.
We are looking for manuscripts on health care for other livestock, from writers who have hands-on experience with the animal being featured.
If you are looking for a publisher for your book on a subject that fits within our mission, we would be happy to consider it. You can contact us at the address below or by e-mail.
Cheryl K. Smith
karmadillo Press
22705 Hwy 36
Cheshire OR 97419
Contact Form
Our first book is Goat Health Care, by Cheryl K. Smith and illustrated by Myra Klote.
We are looking for manuscripts on health care for other livestock, from writers who have hands-on experience with the animal being featured.
If you are looking for a publisher for your book on a subject that fits within our mission, we would be happy to consider it. You can contact us at the address below or by e-mail.
Cheryl K. Smith
karmadillo Press
22705 Hwy 36
Cheshire OR 97419
Contact Form

Goat Health Care includes reprints of health care articles from issues of the magazine published in 2001-2007, as well as new articles. The book is unique in that it includes information on drugs commonly used to treat goats; natural, herbal and home remedies; and end of life issues.
This book is a must-have for every goatkeeper’s library—whether you have one goat or a large herd. You will find yourself referring to it time and again for whatever is ailing your goat.